Honest answers…

… are the biggest motivators and problem solvers. I have been in a meeting and a presentation in the last couple of days and now feel a lot more motivated.

The first was a presentation on communication by a person who I consider to be the “rockstar” at our company. Nice way to tell us that we do not need to go around a point, and that we should give nice and direct answers. Don’t be rude, but don’t be too polite while missing the point altogether. Clients are humans and expect a human answer (E & OE). It was frankly the most interesting presentation I have attended at Evalueserve and one of the best ever!

The next was a meeting with our Chairman, Alok Aggarwal [it is courtesy our IT team that the first Google link to the man’s name doesn’t work or redirect!]. The man gave some very direct, not-so-confusing, and even if I disagree with him on them, grown up answers. The thing I have hated for long about some top management people is that they do not treat us as grown ups and do not give us direct answers. Come on folks. We are smart people (you hired us!!) and would understand if you gave us logical answer. Whether we agree or not, I would respect such a person more. So even while I disagree with Alok on some key-points, I have immense respect for him as an individual, and I think Evaluserve has a bright future as long as he is in control. Rock on man!







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