WordPress, Mediawiki & Firebug

First – upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.5. The new interface looks cool and features easy navigation to more often used options. Also, the upgrade process was a breeze. You can read about how to do it here.

Next – for the past many days, I have been stuck with a faulty error prone version sort table JavaScript being used by MediaWiki. After a lot of head breaking and seeking help on the forums, I was frustrated by Friday and sought help from a friend at Yahoo. He was short on time and promised to do something today. Anyways he happened to mention that I should use Firebug plugin for Firefox.

I had installed Firebug on Firefox long back when I was experimenting with CSS. I did not know how to debug JavaScript using it. So a google search and a blog post later, I was ready to get my hands dirty. And after an hour or so, I was beginning to see light at the end of the terminal. I had located the error and could now fix it easily.

So here I am, all happy and contended. I would like to add this fix to the script on the next Wiki release. Hopefully my first contribution to the wonderful open source community!! Also, even though the guys on the forum were unable to help me on this one, they have been a wonderful bunch of extremely helpful folks. Thanks everyone – keep rocking!

PS: I know very little about JS, with my programming experience limited to C and VBA. So this particular hack – I am immensely pleased about.





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