Category: Tech
Use the force, luke
Sample this: Man makes video. Viacom uses video, without the man’s approval. Man uploads Viacom’s video featuring his video on Youtube. Viacom sues man. Sounds absurd? Sure does to me. And to this guy it is “bass-ackwards.“
MS screws up, again!
Seems like Microsoft loves getting itself all the negative publicity possible. Autopatcher, a free software to install most MS updates on WinXP, has been served a notice by MS to stop distributing its updates and some stupid reason for the same. Shame! I loved the software and used it to update my copy of WinXP,…
Tech 2.0 sucks!
Don’t you wonder who edits their front page headlines?
Thought for the day
From Jonathan Schwartz: When we double the speed of our computers, our customers don’t buy half as many, they tend to buy twice as many. Coming from the CEO who has helped turn around the fortunes of Sun, you would better believe. Further, I think my telephone usage provides a similar sentiment. The cost per…
First Post
Welcome to my new blog. I am tried to migrate all posts and comments from my old blog, however some issues remain. It is best viewed in Firefox or IE 7+. The blog design and looks are still in beta, so any feedback and criticism is most welcome. Please leave a comment below. At the…