Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Brilliant blog..

    .. discovered by total chance. Check it out here. A sample of creativity below.

  • Tweets on 2008-04-14

    Upgraded to WordPress 2.5 – looks nice. However – some incompatibility in the Twitter plugin – lots of useless tweets ๐Ÿ™ # Fixed the JavaScript in Wiki slightly. It still needs a lot of improvement but most of it is done! I am damn good ๐Ÿ™‚ # Wiki table sorting JS fixed!! Awesome – I…

  • WordPress, Mediawiki & Firebug

    First – upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.5. The new interface looks cool and features easy navigation to more often used options. Also, the upgrade process was a breeze. You can read about how to do it here. Next – for the past many days, I have been stuck with a faulty error prone version…

  • Tweets on 2008-04-13

    Serious WTF here http://www.prempanicker.com/index.php?/site/point_counterpoint/ # India already won on the 3rd day!! Stupefied.. #

  • Google takes down HuddleChat

    After a lot of hue and cry over the blogosphere over the similarity between Campfire and HuddleChat, a sample application for the Google AppEngine, Google team has decided to take down the app. While I appreciate the quick action over the reaction of a lot bloggers, I find it pretty stupid. The web is full…

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